Become a Studio5 Sponsor
and see your name inscribed on one of our new theater seats!
Though Studio5’s doors are open and we now have a beautiful, functioning facility, we are undergoing a capital campaign to help fund the completion of the many physical components necessary to allow us offer a rich, intimate state of the art performing space to students as well as professional performing artists. These items include our retractable seating system, moveable wall, theatrical lighting, curtains, acoustical treatments and broadcast quality audio/video equipment, all of which combine to allow us to transform the space from classroom to theater in less than an hour.
When you "sponsor a seat", you will be a partner in this beautiful new space, and we will show our deep appreciation for your $1,000 gift by creating a dedication plaque with your name (or that of a loved one, or group, if you prefer) and installing it permanently on the armrest of one of the 104 new theater seats.
Donations are not tax-deductible, however, naming rights – and the knowledge that you have supported the performing arts in our community – last for a lifetime.
To learn more about how you can "have a seat" in Studio5, contact:
Liz Kidera
Studio5 Theater Manager
Many thanks to our VIPs who have already sponsored a seat!
Patty Acha and Mark Kishler
The Biolsi Family
The Burns Family
The Crawford Family
Barbara and Michael Davis
Dr. Stephanie Davis and Dr. Brad Dunlap
DCE Graduating Class of 2015
DCE Graduating Class of 2016
Evanston Dance Ensemble 2017-18
ede2 2016-17
Christina Ernst
Emily Fields and Family
The Goodman/Weinberger Family
Brad Hall and Julia Louis-Dreyfus
The Higgins Family
The Jacobs Family
Liz Kidera
Marian Kinney
Bridget McDonough and Robert Markey
mike meyers, idea guy
Theresa and John O’Brien
Dana Olsen and Linda White
Dr. Maria Potocsny
The Powers Family
James and Margaret Rashid Family
Ann Tomlins
Isabella and the Uziel-Miller Family
The Walsh Family
Victoria Zielinski and Paul Barrosse